a simple straightforward way to include interactive mathematics in a web page
MathCell can be used to implement visualizations of complex special functions with a JavaScript library that supports them. Here are some particularly nice examples from Math that show real and imaginary parts of special functions on complex axes and on the complex plane:
Bessel function of the first kind
Bessel function of the second kind
Hankel function of the first kind
Hankel function of the second kind
Jacobi delta amplitude function
Proper spherical harmonics in 3D
MathCell is designed to allow presentation of interactive visualizations in the course of an HTML document. Here are some illustrative examples:
Interactive Bianchi-Pinkall Flat Tori
Interactive Lotka-Volterra Equations
Simó’s Three-Body Choreographies in Action
The Visual Appearance of Higher-Dimensional Objects
Visualizing Calabi-Yau Manifolds
Visualizing Geodesics on Surfaces
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